ISSC 2016
International Conference, Santorini (Thera), Greece, July 27, 2016
The Logics of Image: Visualization, Iconicity, Imagination and Human Creativity
Although reality is perceived in a spatial way, the language that we use to represent it is linear. Moreover, the epistemic status of visualization has been disputed in mathematics and logic, although in education at least in some instances no understanding can be achieved without the aid of visualizations. The development of iconicity in the Digital World was initially conceived as a means to have a universal language, i.e. a visual (iconic) language, when creating and interpreting media.
Nevertheless, the fundamental gap remains today: symbols conform to speech, while images conform to vision. Which are the logics of image and vision? How images, symmetric, asymmetric or dissymmetric patterns are related with visual reasoning, creativity and aesthetic values?
Academics from a variety of scientific and engineering specialties, philosophers and professional artists will be brought to Santorini (Thera) in July 2016 to debate and suggest novel approaches and interpretations on these long-standing interdisciplinary issues.
Workshop « Logic and Utopia», Santorini, July 27th, 2016
Magioglou Thalia (Hellenic Observatory/L.S.E. and C.E.M./IIAC/EHESS, Paris, France)
Petros Stefaneas (National Technical University of Athens)
This workshop in its 3rd edition focuses on the Creative side of Logic and the Plural Logics of Utopian thinking addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Utopias as projects of future societies use imagination, visualisation, symbols as well as patterns and forms of Logic. The ideal Polities of Plato and Aristotle, combine forms of Logic with imagination. Thomas More’s Utopia is related to a visual image of a map. Desire, perfectionism and (im)possibility to become a reality have been some of its aspects in the past, as well as a form of criticism of the present situation. Utopias are impregnated by culture, socially and historically situated and open to revision. Utopias use imagination; they are impregnated by visual images and symbols. Forms of logic are also present in a less elaborate way, in the projects and social representations of political and social actors, part of social and political identities.
Are Utopias’ imagination and Logic creating new conceptual frameworks challenging or comforting power relations? Or do they serve as a form of aesthetic escapism to prevent social transformation? What differentiates utopias from dystopias?
5 Organizing Dimensions of the debate
-Utopia in Imaginaries, Social representations and everyday/lay thinking
-The logic-s of power in everyday and political discourse
-Culture and subjectivities in utopias
-Utopian Temporalities
-Social Logics and forms of reasoning
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Thalia Magioglou (2 juillet 2016). Appel “Logique et Utopie”, conférence Santorin 27 juillet 2016. EPoPs. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse