5th Congress of Universal Logic
This is the fifth edition of a world event organized by Prof. Jean-Yves Beziau of the Univ. of Rio, Brazil, dedicated to universal logic with invited talks by some of the best alive logicians and a selection of contributed talks. This event is intended to be a major event in logic, providing a platform for future research guidelines. Such an event is of interest for all people dealing with logic in one way or another: pure logicians, mathematicians, computer scientists, AI researchers, linguists, psychologists, philosophers, social scientists, etc. (http://www.jyb-logic.org/start1.htm).
Workshop « Utopian thinking and Logic-s », Istanbul, 2015
Keynote speaker: Pr. Jaan Valsiner (Clark Univ., U.S.A.)
Organization: Magioglou Thalia (EPoPs/FMSH, C.E.M./IIAC, Paris, France)
Following the symposium organized in July 26 at Andros island, Greece by Stefaneas (National Technical Univ. of Athens) and Magioglou (EPoPs/FMSH, Paris), on “Logic and Utopia” this workshop focuses on the Plural logics of Utopian thinking. Utopian thinking will addressed from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Utopias as projects of future societies have historically been present since ancient Greece, with the example of Plato’s and Aristotle’s Polities, but the term is created by Thomas More in England. Desire, perfectionism and (im)possibility to become reality have been some of its aspects in the past, as well as a form of criticism of the present situation. In this way, they are impregnated by culture, socially and historically constructed and open to revision. Utopias are also present in a less elaborate way, in the projects and social representations of political and social actors, part of social and political identities.
How does utopian thinking use “logic”?
The concept of logic will be is addressed in its plurality: not only a. « logos », philosophical reasoning and b. language, but also c. as “social logic” of people who are not “experts”, knowledgeable or powerful on a particular field, but instead, “ordinary citizens”. The workshop focuses particularly on the perspective of the social and political actors in different cultural contexts, in other words, the utopian logic-s of lay or everyday thinking.
The plural aspect of logic is present in the notion of utopia, and particularly the political utopias will be also discussed as prospective of better worlds. The common good, the notion of the Polis and “Demos”, will be confronted to studies that show concrete initiatives taken by local actors, in the direction of change. What distinguishes utopias from dystopias could be our representation of the common good, in other words, the objectives chosen.
Democracy, as well as economy, are examples of utopias related to the rationality of the modernity. They are imbricated in the contemporary societies to traditions (still active or reinvented) and religion. They allow new combinations, hybrids of meaning that multiply in the context of “global politics”, as producers of utopias, moral geographies, and imaginary identities that we are going to question.
Organizing Dimensions of the debate
–Utopia in Imaginaries, Social representations and everyday/lay thinking
-The logic-s of power in everyday and political discourse
-Culture and subjectivities in utopias
-Utopian Temporalities
-Social Logics and forms of reasoning
Papers from cultural, political, social psychology, as well as anthropology, sociology, history and philosophy are particularly welcome
Call for papers
To submit a contribution send a one page abstract to: thalia.magioglou@gmail.com.
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Thalia Magioglou (23 janvier 2015). Appel à contributions workshop “Pensée Utopique et Logiques, Istanbul, 24 Juin 2015. EPoPs. Consulté le 14 février 2025 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/oh4i