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Conférence sur le “féminisme et ses fantômes” le 5 Décembre

EPoPs -Programme de Psychologie Politique Européenne

et le Programme Genre Politique Sexualité

de la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, ont le plaisir à vous inviter

le mercredi 5 Décembre à 17h30, salle 641 (6e étage)

à la Conférence du Dr. Joao Manuel de Oliveira (Centre de Psychologie, Université de Porto, Portugal) :

Le féminisme et ses fantômes

qui aura lieu au 190 avenue de France (métro quai de la gare), à la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme.


Thalia Magioglou, Christiane Veauvy

Résumé : In the past two years, I have been working on a book on gender historiography trying to make sense of the multiple entanglements between feminism and gender theory. I have used the work of Benjamin, Derrida, Foucault and lately Deleuze and Guattari to understand the way how to tell a story of gender that : (a) is not based on a epistemology of history that only celebrates the winners, (b) takes gender as a pharmakon, ie, simultaneously medicine and poison for feminism; (c) uses the genealogy of gender as way to understand relations of power embedded in discourses; (d) allows an understanding of the mutations of the concept, its deterritorializations and re-territorializations, ultimately treating gender not as a concept, but as a rhizome.

Taking into account parts of the works of these philosophers I will present the cartography of three different accounts of this de-territorialized gender coming from a Western tradition of accounting for the ontology of masculinity and femininity. Using Avery Gordon’s (2008) proposal, of a sociology of ghosts and haunting and Freud’s account of the uncanny, I will summon some ghosts of gender theory, the invert, the hermaphrodite, the transsexual and the feminist, to ground my several possible narratives using figurations and their material-semiotic contexts (Haraway, 2008).

The last part of the talk will show how these ghosts are present in the work of Judith Butler that has actively summoned these ghosts and figures and dialogued with their work, creating a unique body of work on gender studies and feminist epistemology. This work of reframing the history of gender refusing to tell it as history, but rather as a cartography of several genealogies provides a possibility of training the imagination for epistemological performance (Spivak, 2011), a basic condition to understand the promiscuity of the concept of gender and its multiple effects on feminist theory.

OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Thalia Magioglou (27 novembre 2012). Conférence sur le “féminisme et ses fantômes” le 5 Décembre. EPoPs. Consulté le 15 février 2025 à l’adresse

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